10 October 2013

the vibrators again, again. but this is the last time, honest.

i wrote a whole lot about this night but i'm cutting some of it out because i don't feel like the internet needs to know everything. you know? so this is the edited post, but everything i wrote is what i wrote the night it happened.



what else can i say?

it's almost 5am but i'm not really tired just yet. so i'll write about my night.

i drove my friend and i to baltimore to see the vibrators at the sidebar. mike was cool enough to put us on the guest list so all the driving kind of made up for itself. we got there and him and eddie were at the merch table, so mike came over and said hi, and then he stood and talked with us. he's still like, the nicest person ever. and super laid back.

so darrell disappeared. mike said he was outside in someone's car listening to music but when they went to look for him the car was gone. and the last band before they went on was finishing up. uh oh. mike said he's never done this before but didn't seem too worried. it's ok, i was stressed out for him. him and eddie set their shit up, then mike set up darrell's stuff, and right around 11:30, sure enough, he stumbled in the door and they all went on stage and started playing. pretty great timing, if not a tad irresponsible.

once darrell was on stage, he recognized us and smiled. and at one point he gave us a little shout out. just said something like "two people drove for a very long way to be here." it was nice to be recognized.

so, the set was exactly the same as the past two shows, but DUDE. they sound SO GOOD. darrell is like...the best addition to the band they could have made. my friend and i just looked at each other a bunch of times and were like "holy shit." it's like...completely effortless for him to play as well as he does. and he looks half asleep as he's doing it. just completely unreal. eddie is still rad as shit too, but i've already talked about that. he's just jamming away, putting everything he has into each song they do and i fucking love it. and mike is really solid too, it's a shame he's only temporary. but he's having fun with it, so that's cool.

after the show, darrell came over to talk to us. he said he was glad to see some familiar faces. i went outside with him while he bummed a cigarette off someone, but i came back inside before he did. when he came back in, he stood with us again and we talked some more. oh, and he wanted to take pictures. one of me and my friend, who then took a few of me and darrell. and then she took a whole bunch of us with her camera, and he was being such a goof, like making faces and pretending to be deep in conversation about some serious shit, as she was taking the pictures; he put my hood up for one...just really silly and so so cute. we finally had to leave, so when he said goodbye he gave me this magnificent hug and sort of shimmied up on me and then ruffled my hair. then we said bye to mike and thanked him again for being so awesome to us, and i told eddie to bring back these pants (he's on the bottom right):

that's not going to happen anytime soon, sorry guys. so that was it. we had an amazing time and i got to see one of my favorite bands 3 times on one tour. pretty fucking cool.

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