21 July 2009


i finally listened to the new moby record.
i mean, i have always loved moby, but seriously.
it came out right at the end of june, and i just got around to buying it this weekend. miss dork here bought it on vinyl. WHITE VINYL. wee! it's really pretty looking. and seriously, seriously beautiful sounding. i waited to listen to it, because it's called wait for me. ha, i'm kidding. i waited because i wanted to listen to the whole thing at once, uninterrupted. moby wanted me to. today was my day to do that, and i'm glad i listened to it that way.
it's perhaps a tad darker than what he is generally known for, but i believe it just bumped its way up to my favorite moby record. sorry, everything is wrong and animal rights. it's melancholy and melodic and just really really pretty. i just can't stress enough how much i love this record. and he's finally doing a u.s. tour this autumn; you can bet your butt i will be there.
so besides the fact that i am in love with his music and i think he is a very talented musician...i happen to agree with him on many things (politics, animal rights, etc.). so that just makes him way cooler to me than he already was. plus, he looks cute in funny hats.