14 October 2014

the adicts

this is the beginning of my "catch-up with all the shows i've seen since march" posts. should be fun...

i can blame this all on the guy i met at the sellersville theatre robyn hitchcock show; we started hanging out after meeting there and now he's my boyfriend and we go to all these shows together and, uh, well, i stopped writing. it's his fault, trust me.

it was his idea to go see the adicts. i like them but never really got into them, and anti-nowhere league had a gig at the brighton bar the same night. they were scheduled to play philly later that week, but i couldn't go, so i had to decide: adicts at the tla with my dude, or anti-nowhere league 2 hours away, by myself?

obviously, i saw the adicts, since you can see that's what this post is about. this was all the way back on may 28.

since we're playing catch-up, my memory isn't so good, so i don't remember all the songs they played. but i can tell you what seeing them was like. for someone who has never seen them before it was pretty fucking crazy. they played "joker in the pack" first (or at least, it was one of the first songs they did) and we got playing cards thrown at us. and that was just the beginning. so much confetti and streamers and shit being spewed out all night. in case you weren't aware I LOVE THAT SHIT. why do you think i love seeing alice cooper so much (i mean, besides the whole loving his music thing)? PLEASE THROW THINGS AT ME. not even kidding.

and let's talk about monkey. before seeing them: i'm like, well his name is monkey and he looks like some kind of creepy clown. people who wear clown face paint are probably kind of fucked up because who wants to look like that? i take it all back. ALL OF IT. he's way less creepy in person, probably because of the way he smiles. you can see the crooked smile under the makeup and he looks human, which is a nice quality, in a human.

so far the show was full of pleasant surprises! and then some kid smashed his head into the floor in a botched crowd-surfing attempt. right in the middle of "chinese takeaway" no less. they stopped playing to make sure the kid was ok; he clearly wasn't, and they didn't start playing again until the kid was taken away on a stretcher. hopefully he was ok. even though he was totally being stupid. then they went into "johnny was a soldier." neat. the rest of the show went off without a hitch. the two songs i definitely remember hearing were "bad boy" and "troubadour" because i fell in love with them. also "who spilt my beer." it was a really fun show and it's unfortunate that they don't really play over here very often because i want to see them again, for sure.

i'm posting a bunch of pictures so that hopefully you can kind of get an idea what the live show is like; basically, very colorful and lot's of movement and shit flying around in the air. not literal shit. his name may be monkey but he doesn't actually throw shit around. just, you know, confetti and stuff. this show was SO MUCH FUN.

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